Internal Potential
Hatching technique (charcoal and graphite). The system, society, tradition exert a powerful influence on us from the day we are born. We are indoctrinated to obey guidelines and systematically reject new ideas to avoid thinking for ourselves and thus better fit into society. Fear plays an important role. The more fear and insecurity we have, the more we need to be protected by the state, the institutions. The less confidence we have in ourselves, the more power we will give away and the more easily influenced we will be, the weaker and easier to dominate and manipulate.
We must believe in our internal potential.We must connect with our inner strength, take control of our existence to find the path to freedom.
The key to change is to free yourself from the fear that paralyzes us... that doesn't let us move forward.
If we want to free ourselves from "modern slavery" we must become aware that the only freedom is within us.
If you want the system to change, start by changing your lifestyle.
If you value your time then you value freedom.
Fight for her and become the owner of your life. If you really want to conquer your freedom, start by conquering yourself. Invest in yourself and find a path that really excites you.
19.68 x 15.74