"The Day Spent with Lilies"

"The Day Spent with Lilies", Plein Air Oil
"The Day Spent with Lilies"
I was mesmerized by these waterlilies and their lily pads gently pulsing on the lovely negative shapes of the water. A symphony of contrasts called for an alla prima approach: crisp edges against soft and lost edges, lights against darks, opaque and transparent, thick and thin, line and mass, and don’t get me started on the undulating colors!

As the day moves along, and I settle into a rhythm of brushwork, I begin to see beyond the surface appearance to deeper awareness and meaning: these individual characters thrive in a community of connectedness. The blossoms will briefly bloom whether or not we are there to witness. Then they fade to become part of a different song.

Mmmm... Life is too short in this world of such abundant beauty!

Plein Air Oil    16 x 20