Gaia's Love

Gaia's Love, Plein Air Oil
Gaia's Love
In the representation of the emotional field of human development, I bring Gaia, who in Greek mythology is the mother of the Earth. Primordial creator of our planet, the goddess Gaia is revolted by the atrocities committed against the environment. But like a great mother, she understands that we, the inhabitants of Earth, are in a moral evolutionary process, which can take hundreds or even thousands of years, for us to learn to live respectfully with our sister nature. However, Mother Gaia asks for Union. Mother Gaia asks for conscience. Mother Gaia emanates love, and implores all her living children to embrace that love, and live peacefully with one another.
In this work, Gaia is bathed by the sun while generating our planet, protected, and energized by rose quartz, stones of love, and patiently awaits the formation of a fraternity between human beings and all life that surrounds them.

Plein Air Oil    60 x 100 x 2