Last Light at Union Point

Last Light at Union Point, Landscape
Last Light at Union Point
Union Point lies about 2/3 of the way up to Glacier Point and just off the Four Mile Trail between Glacier Point and Yosemite Valley. I hiked with a few cameras and painting equipment on my birthday in late June hoping to paint a dramatic scene and maybe catch a glimpse of peregrine falcons which were nesting on the face of Sentinel Rock near the top with the most spectacular view. I painted a couple pieces, starting with an 8x10 as the light was first more gold and shadows moved more slowly. But then at sunset during summer, the light seems to race up the face of Sentinel Rock and lasts only a few minutes. As shadows enveloped the valley floor and the last light on Sentinel Rock turned from golden to salmon in color, I switched to a smaller 6x8 panel and produced the study which served as the reference for this larger studio work.

Landscape    36 x 48